Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

Task paralysis

Bite Sized Pieces

Many neurodivergent people find broad tasks overwhelming. You might find your child struggles with what feels like an obvious series of steps to produce an outcome. You give a clear instruction, you phrase it in a particular way to prevent a PDA response, there is time to achieve it, you know there isn’t anything they’re not physically or mentally capable of doing, and yet… nope. Clean your room. Get ready for bed. Set the table.[…]

Chill the Beans: Working WITH Anxiety

Clinical anxiety is a disorder independent of neurotypes such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and apraxia of speech. However, anxiety is frequently experienced by neurodivergent people; approximately half of autistic people experience clinical levels of anxiety. This is not just a simple case of worrying about things. Clinical anxiety is persistent, intrusive, and frequently includes physiological responses well beyond standard nervousness or fear. It is highly difficult to determine if the coexistence of anxiety and a[…]

Q&A: Why Won’t My Child Do Simple Tasks?

Q. My kid often says they can’t do something I have asked them to do like getting their shoes from the cupboard but I know it’s something they can do. If I ask them why they can’t do it they say they don’t know why. What can I do to make this easier? Mum of autistic daughter aged 5-8 A. This is a really common situation for autistic children, and children with ADHD (and adults!),[…]

When You Just Can’t: Task Paralysis

Task paralysis is incredibly annoying. For everyone involved. There are many theories as to why it happens, or what it means, but the reality of it is simply an extreme case of involuntary procrastination and avoidance of a task. Task Paralysis is a common form of ADHD Paralysis, and one I struggle with massively. Evidently. Let me begin by sharing with you the irony of finding myself facing task paralysis when wanting to write an[…]

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