Glimmers: Little Hints of Magic in the World
Due to the fact that autism and other neurodivergencies are usually portrayed in a negative light, as a failing or concern, little is said of the strengths, the perks… the glimmers.
And when strengths are discussed, it’s often those which are positive for society or the neurodivergent person’s family. Problem solving abilities, high IQs, savantism, work ethic, conformity to rules and routines, and information processing abilities.
What is rarely discussed is the benefits and magic for the neurodivergent person.
Glimmers vs Triggers
One of my favourite, both for me personally and to witness, is glimmers.
I’m sure most people are aware of some potential neurodivergent triggers:
- Irritating clothes tags
- Strong smells
- Bright lights
- Rough textures
- Noise overstimultion
Glimmers are the opposite. It is not the same as a neurotypical person liking or enjoying something. Much as masking is not acting, a meltdown is not a tantrum, and triggers are not dislikes, glimmers are a far more holistic, full body, emotional, physical, and mental experience for neurodivergent people. They provide a dopamine boost, if not rush.
Examples of Glimmers
The wonderful Bec AKA The ND OT on Facebook has illustrated some collections of her favourites. These illustrations verge on being glimmers in themselves for me!

Some of my own glimmers include particular films (their images and merchandise), blue skied autumn days, eating particular foods (which can be as simple as Weetbix with the right amount of warm milk), the smell of patchouli, buying and working with fabric, and stationery. All the stationery. Oh I love stationery.
Celebrating Glimmers
If you notice your neurodivergent person gravitating towards certain specific things, it may be that they are receiving an abnormal amount of dopamine and personal happiness from those things. Rather than trying to focus on neurotypical behaviours, don’t discourage the fixation unless it is causing harm to them or others.
Engage, ask questions about preferences, discuss if there are any specific elements that increase or decrease the rush, show interest!
If you’re feeling that there is a disconnect between you and your neurodivergent person, glimmers can be a beautiful bridge. Something you can share together, something you can gift to show you appreciate their magical brain, and something you can provide during the trickier situations to help reduce the stress and trauma.
If neurotypical people could genuinely appreciate what a glimmer feels like, I suspect the world would rapidly be reassessing who supposedly has the disability.
Is a Glimmer the Same as Special Interest?
Glimmers can also develop into full blown special interests, and provide even greater dopamine, which I will discuss another day.
For now, today is one of those blue skied autumn days, so I’m taking my shoes off and going to stand in the grass, and sparkle for a while.
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