Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation


Q&A: Should I Tell My Daughter She’s Autistic?

Q: My daughter is in Kindergarten and has just been diagnosed as Autistic. She was assessed after her teacher pointed out unusual things she’d noticed at school and we were worried about how little she sleeps. She likes going to school, and seems pretty happy in her small group of friends. She doesn’t have any learning problems. So should we even tell her about her autism? Should we just keep an eye on it and[…]

Q&A: My 12 Year Old is Regressing in Skills

Q. My daughter is 12 and will be starting high school next year. She was diagnosed with autism when she was 6 but has got through primary school without any support other than her teachers helping her through some fights with friends and not sticking to one peer group. This term she seems to be losing skills. I have taken her to the doctor because I was worried there was something wrong with her body[…]

Q&A: How Do I Teach My Child To Act Like Other Kids?

Q. We are very lucky that my son (autistic age 7) has been invited to most of the birthday parties for his classmates even the ones that are a small group instead of the whole class. But for me it’s really upsetting because when we’re there it’s really obvious how different he is to his classmates. They try to include him but a lot of the time he doesn’t join in like everyone else or[…]

Q&A: How Do I Get My Son To Eat Healthy Food?

Q: My son is a very fussy eater. He only has a small list of things he will eat and it is almost all junk or carbs. Why can’t I get him to eat healthy food? Dad of son aged 2-5 A: Selective eating is very, very common amongst autistic people. For some it will be a shortlist of safe foods. Others will have specific preferences for particular brands or types of food even if[…]

Q&A: Do I Get My Child Assessed or Not?

Q. My son’s daycare have suggested we might want to get him assessed for autism. The things they have pointed out I agree with but thought it was age appropriate. He is our only child so we don’t have anything else to compare to at home. I have been reading a lot about it online and can see what the daycare staff are talking about. I am also thinking my husband and I are probably[…]

Q&A: Why Won’t My Child Do Simple Tasks?

Q. My kid often says they can’t do something I have asked them to do like getting their shoes from the cupboard but I know it’s something they can do. If I ask them why they can’t do it they say they don’t know why. What can I do to make this easier? Mum of autistic daughter aged 5-8 A. This is a really common situation for autistic children, and children with ADHD (and adults!),[…]

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