Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

obsessive compulsive disorder

Just So: Why Neurodivergence Can Look Like OCD

Some neurodivergent children can be very particular about routines, the position of items, which clothing items should be worn together, and other non-sensory specifics. (Sensory needs are a separate issue). These things can appear inconsequential to other people, and may be considered indicative of OCD. A number of young neurodivergent people are even diagnosed as having OCD. How many of these diagnoses are accurate is questionable. The DSM-5 specifically defines Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as not[…]

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