Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation


Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2024

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions miscarriage, still-birth and termination October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Down Syndrome is considered a neurodivergence, as a consistent trait is that their brains work differently to the neurotypical expectation. The brain structure of most Down Syndrome people is noticeably different to the average human brain. All people with Down Syndrome experience some degree of cognitive delay, with most having a mild to moderate intellectual disability. It is said to be the[…]

Hiding Behind Autism: When Health Conditions Are Masked

Between sensory differences, dysregulation, Spoons, burnout, and many other aspects of being autistic, the symptoms of many other health conditions in autistic people are frequently masked. Add to this the further complication of many autistic people experiencing and/or communicating pain or discomfort in non-neurotypical ways, and many autistic people go misdiagnosed – and thus untreated – for many treatable conditions. They suffer needlessly.  International May 12th Awareness Day May 12th is the International Awareness Day[…]

Is Epilepsy a Neurodivergence?

When people discuss neurodivergence, many people assume they’re talking about autism or ADHD. However, the umbrella of neurodivergence covers many, many neurological differences, including epilepsy. The classification of epilepsy as a neurodivergence has been debated. Some believe it is a neurological disorder – as it has clear medical symptoms and treatments – opposed to a neurodivergence. The fact it can be diagnosed using scans such as EEG is often considered the point of difference. Epilepsy[…]

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