Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

Lewis Capaldi

Opinion: Lewis Capaldi, Showing Us How It’s Done

DISCLAIMER: I am a strong advocate for identity-first neuroaffirming language, however I have received conflicting responses as to whether this is a preferred option for the Tourette’s community. As such, I am following the advice of the majority – and those who appear to have the most informed opinion – and using person-first language throughout this article. Should this be inappropriate, incorrect, and/or offensive, please do not hesitate to let me know; and to confirm[…]

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