Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky

Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

More Than Quirky logo with Infinity symbol blending with the Q

Quirky Infinity logo Empowering neurodivergent people through understanding and conversation

International Day of Families 2024

The Team Effort (International Day of Families 2024)

Any family unit works best as a team. Each person with their own roles and responsibilities, with some crossover. People jumping in to cover those who are struggling or overloaded by other things such as work or illness. The ability to ask for help, and be helped. A busy, efficient team.  Obviously this is the ideal. Most family units experience some degree of imbalance or inequality. But overall, whether it’s working towards Maggie Dent’s “‘We’[…]

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